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2019 Plans and another overdue update

Okay, so 2018 was a troubling time for us. Been up, been down, got rid of ads, got ads again, videos stopped coming out, couple of in-family deaths, it was a bad time. Didn't get much better since moving my setup around, the laptop that ran it all decided it didn't want to be cooled anymore and now it won't stop overheating. So, we took the station online which... isn't good. All of the music mixes together creating sometimes funny, but most times annoying tone-shifts where you could hear AC/DC one second, but then hear Strapping Young Lad the next. Definitely not the best solution. While that was going on, Zazzle, the host of our merch site, had a shirt hosted that was antisemitic. Now, they didn't make the shirt themselves, but there was nothing put in place to prevent those types of shirts being made. As a result, we have decided to pull our store from Zazzle's site. We believe that rock and metal is all inclusive as race, gender, religion doesn't matter as long as you can make awesome music, so having something like that is against our beliefs and we believe that justifies our departure. We will have another merch site up soon, so don't worry. Also, the seller who put it up as since been shut down, so that at least shows they're trying somewhat. As for the good news, we've recently hooked up with Benztown Branding to create new IDs and promos for the station. The stuff I'm trying out sounds so much better than what I currently have and I can't wait to try it out! That falls in with some plans that I currently have for this year coming up. One would be an overhaul of our current imaging solutions. Another is having the possibility of a podcast where I would discuss music and anything else that seems to be interesting with a couple of other people. Tour season is also around the corner, so I will be going to more shows and doing more videos if I don't have to work some crazy hours like I did last year. Maybe I'll also get into game streaming. That will not take my attention away from the station, but it's something to share my other love with you guys. I have the equipment, but not the space. The house I live in isn't a quiet one, so that might be a ways off. Anyway, that's all I have for now. I might post more often here, but then again, I might not. Who knows? Keep on rockin'!

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